July 2, 2012
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Hello family!
This past week
was spectacular. We taught a lot. We found a lot of new investigators. We have
another baptism this week!! THhe mom of the invesitgator who was baptized the
other week! And we have a few others going to church that are awesome and have
dates to get baptized..... SOOOO AWESOOMMMEE!!!! All is well. i went and got an
echo for my problem... nothing wrong or serious. it looks like its the veins...
he said to go see an urologist. the pills sort of helped with the swelling. i
had to use personal money and im getting remibursed.
My companion and
i are working out a lot. i made a plan, and a health plan. I am eating really
healthy hahahha and i am getting in really good shape. so it is pretty cool. i
am happy. i feel like i have learned to get whatever i want in life since i
have been in the mission. goals+plans+faith=THE WORLD. this is interesting, the
word "poder" in spanish has to meanings. 1. the verb, to can, or to
be able to. 2. the noun, power. a really coincidence. creer es poder, y poder
es poder. to believe is to can. and can is power. its my little saying haha.
spanish/english comparing, language studying is awesome.
this week i had
a sweeeeeet study. i will walk you through it. i was pondering on jacob 4:8-10.
what is the greatest miracle ever? which is the greater miracle? the fact that
jesus walked on water, or the fact that the water exists. the fact that noah
built an ark, or the fact that there is a giant flood in the first place. the
bigger is miracle is that these things exist in the first place. and if god
CREATED these things, then what is keeping him from commanding them at his
will?? nothing.
another thing.
an elder from the zone had an investigator that had a question. i have thought
about it. how could noah build an ark if nails exist back then? and other
questions similar. my question is, if you were god in that situation/position
what would you do??? brainstorm it.
if god didnt
create everything, then who or what did? how do we exist? you findit easier to
believe that an atom exploded, created itselft, and boom we all existed? which
is harder to believe? that, or the fact that a supreme being organized and
created this earth with a purpose and a plan... they are both pretty
unbelievable... but here we are, we exist. i dont think we created our selves,
nor the world.
what evidence is
there that god doesnt exist? what do you get out of that? what does that mean
for you? what are the results/consequences of that belief?
what evidence is
there that god exists? what do you get out of that? what does that mean for
you? the results? the consequences?
All theories are
pretty unbelieveable, yet here we are, we exist. Why cant we learn more? Why is
there no answer? because according to the plan of salvation we will after the
millenium and when christ comes. but he wont let us right now.
the answers to
everything are found in the book of mormon. i exhort all to read it. it is the
greatest evidence there is that god exists, that joseph smith was a prophet,
and the rest goes with it. the coincidence of how perfectly the universe, solar
system, plant life, and human life is organized and how its perfect order... i
dont think its a coincidence. the answers i get to prayers. answers that others
get. the coincidence that these come at the very moment of obedience to gods
commandments. prophecies and promies fulfilled.....
now if this is
all true.... the this is gods work, we are his sons and daughters. we are his
servants in his work and we WILL see miracles and success. and it will never
stop growing. we must follow the prophet and god and we will never go astray.
it is a big responsibility we have to make know these things. to know them.
and it is all
true if the book of mormon is the word of god. i think it would be worth it
reading it more than once, and i think it would be important to invite others
to do the same. it all seems kind of crazy, but here we are, we exist.
ALL!!!! thank you grandma and grandpa for the bday money!! happy birthday
mother!!! i forgot how old you are?
esa historia es super bakan!!! una vez pensé que yo tenía diabetes, iba
al baño, siempre tomaba agua, y tenía mucha sed. despues de hacer todo lo que
podía, pedí una bendición a mi compañero. fue increíble, mi cuerpo se llenó del
espirtu por unos segundos, despues sentí mejor. fue poderoso. yo lloré. esto
fue en futrono despues que me fuí de puerto montt. todo en ese sector estaba
mal. no había mapa, había seniza, mi compañero era nuevo y podía hablar, y todo
estaba mal, y esto fue lo ultimo que yo necestiaba. no quería pedirlo hasta que
hiciera todo que podía. por fin lo hice, y fue WOW!!! mande saludos a mauricos
tambien!! no me queda mas tiempo!!!
Con Amor,
Elder Reeder
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