Sunday, January 2, 2011

oh by golly grab the holly here comes christmas family!!!!!!!!!!!


i was just thinking of that song so i changed the subject to it....

Wow I cannot tell you how much I love hearing from all of you! It really makes me sooooo happy :). Today i pulled out my patriarchal blessing and the thing kelli made for me with the temple on it and it made me really happy. Sometimes i forget of all the people at home i know and love and that i am actually from america hahaha. But really i love everything you do for me. Thank you thank you thank you for everything!!! I just looked at pictures of my district day i havent looked at for a while and WOW i have no idea what the deal is but it just makes me SOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPYYY to look at them in photos we have hahahaha. Like just overwhelming happiness to the point of just looking at the picture and laughing like a crazy person! I dont know how to describe it but hahaha yeah. I feel very good with all of the support i have and i am very thankful and i pray for all of you everyday!

Mother and father, that makes me sad that Brother Salmond wont send the emails to me :( but i am studying the BOM and New Test a lot reading, thinking, etc i thought it be nice to have like profound truths of Bro. Salmond to look for but its okay haha!! I understand! That is super cool you saw Kenna at the LDV thing tell her hi for me! Im excited for you to receive the package that you have sent me. It will be super good haha! I am excited. So shauna and james sang a duet?? or maybe you mean erin hahaha...... I am confused. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU GRAMMY AND GRANDAD AND GRANDMA AND GRANDPA!!!!!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT!!!!! And with Rueben. Yes accept him! He is the or well was an investigator but i found out hes been baptized so he is just inactive. But he is really cool. Just doesnt go to church. At that age so i understand but i am working with him haha. For christmas we get to call you guys whoohoo!!! The number is well first you need the chilean internation number.... but the phone number 065441584 that is the number of the mammita. i believe you need to call her. you will call me on sunday evening well ya sunday is chrismas. We will tell you the time like the day before but plan to be home around 3-9ish in the afternoon. Or just be at home for chrismast!!!! oh and bring scott maybe?? hahaha you dont have to but i see him as part of the family hahahaha

About max...... Wow. I really really really hope he will be ok. What lead up to the crash?? So if i understand he is in the hospital and has brain trauma and is in a coma because he got hit by a car...... Im not sure if i should write it right now or send a letter?? Hmmm... well i will have to decide now. I will write him a letter and something short right now. MAX!!!!! Please be ok! You are my favorite person ever!!! I am going to work extra hard and pray extra hard so you will be blessed. Ok? So dont you worry about a thing because i trust the lord and you are going to recover! Im all the way in Chile but i still think about your influence you had on me in my life and how awesome you are!! So dont get discouraged! Try to the see the good! Love ya!

Kelli, i love your letters!!! Its awesome to see how your progressing!!! Your teeth look great!!!! YAH! Hahaha i am glad you look up to me so much but dont follow my example if i do something stupid! Follow the spirit. If you feel something is bad dont do it. If you feel its right do it. Follow the spirit, pray for the spirit, follow it, then you will be happy! And maybe get a planner so you can get things done that you need to get done. My newest thing i love from the mission! I will conquer the world with the new no longer procrastinating Colin Reeder!! HAHAHAHA I WILL ACCOMPLISH EVERYTHING I WANT!!!! Haha ya. But maybe just start with a to do list and work from there. Love ya!

Hahaha shauna durfy hahaha wow that is nuts!!! I will call you the Durfsters or something hahaha i love my family. They rock!!!

Ok now the spiritual doctrine stuff!!

Yes. What i have learned this week. I have realized that I am not here to do my will. The Lords will. I have been called by a prophet of god to share what I know and that is where my authority comes from. Its like Jesus in the New Testament. He always says something along the lines of i am not here to do my will but the will of my father. I realize it is the same with me. Everytime someone rejects me, slams a door in my face, laughs at me etc.. It is all rejecting the lord. But the lord always extends his hand. Like the Missionaries always inviting people to hear NO MATTER WHAT! It bums me out how confused people are in chile. The catholic church and evangelic churches really confuse the people. They are all so lost in this doctrine that is actually really simple just tried to be interpreted super deep. People almost start crying when i talk to them but then they remember THEY ARE CATHOLIC etc. and tell me that. I know they feel the spirit but they choose to reject it.

I have been studying in Preach my Gospel Ch. 1. My purpose. It is the best chapter in the book. In the MTC they ALWAYS talked about your purpose. But not until i have read it have i finally got why. It is the best chapter. It gets me pumped every time i read it. I love it!!! I have been called by God to share HIS gospel in HIS work. Im going to do it regardless what you tell me in the street! All of these things with charity.

Bueno well that is all the time i have for now familia! Read the scriptures!!!! The Book of mormon!!! I am in Alma! Where are your?! Thank you for the quotes! Im excited to talk and stuff i will find out when!

Love, Elder Reeder.

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